So what is a Plant Pioneer?
A Plant Pioneers recognizes there is subtle, intelligent Plant activity that is yet to be fully understood yet reflects how humans inter-relate with them as much as with each other. Plants can relay a Humans understanding for this language we are learning comes from an ancient place. A place that translates into be good ancestors to Earth and to each other.
What are we doing?
Our mission aims to support Earth restoration through listening to the voice of Nature, Plants and Trees…and, each other. Through encounter-based programs that cultivates traditional ecological knowledge and respect for each other we demonstrate just how Plants are communicating with humans. We learn from them and we open our sensory gate channels for listening and becoming participatory activists. This includes taking a stand against racism, sexism, ableism, and other forms of harm. We recognize a common humanity that embraces the differences that make us stronger, more vibrant, culturally rich and part of the Nature landscape. We’re about dignity, integrity and respect. To truly steward for the wellness of the whole. When we say each other, we’re not leaving out Nature.
One of our main features of exploration is Plant frequency that uses electronics that liberate their energetics for dialoguing. Go here for details.
How the electronics work
Two wires from a pre-programmed synthesizer are connected to a plant, one onto the plant’s leaf, the other in the soil.
What are we hearing?
We are hearing electrical plant frequencies aka impulses.
Music of the Plants is a synthesizer that is registers these frequencies such as a biofeedback device would do, liberating a plants world and assigning musical notes to each of the plants electrical variations. After some moments after first connecting a plant or tree to this device, sounds can be heard coming from the synthesizer that are generated by the plant or tree. Each plant impulse is assigned a specific note per specific impulse. What is heard are sounds that, before this electronic device, have never been heard before because of plants’ inaudible frequencies but are now audible because of Music of the Plants. Interestingly, it is often the first time for a plant or tree to be hearing their sounds in this way too. And so, each of us who work with Music of the Plants synthesizer always makes a point to the plant or tree or other woody or green being that, ‘this is you making these sounds.’
What are we finding?
There’s compelling evidence that plants are responding to their environment and us in ways we did not anticipate. Not only do plants “communicate” with insects, from our experience, plants and trees are appearing to respond to humans and other environmental activities in ways we believe must be further investigated.
Why are we doing this?
We are doing this for two reasons: we do this because we want to get this awareness to everyone. And two, we are reaching out to students, entry-level biologists, botanists, environmentalists, artists, and plant scientists, musicians, and technologists,…everyone to investigate plant sentience in every possible way. Why? It’s the way of First Nations Peoples; its the way of respect. They create and make life possible for us. Its time to recognize them and give back.
And the state of the planet is demonstrating its time too.
How you can help…
Volunteer in bringing these presentations to young people.
Spread the word, join our classes and then, go walk the talk and talk the walk.