Cultivating Notes Jan. 27,2025

When we come together at or just before the New Moon, like we did this past January 27th evening, it’s a very symbolic time for new beginnings, fresh starts, potential for growth and releasing that which no longer works for us. This months new moon (Jan. 29th, 2025) was just two days from our Cultivating Circle, so this was a most significant point in time for us to come together. It was also a time where the movement of life below us is also beginning to stir in the belly of our Mother, readying for spring by starting to sprout from fallen seeds. A time that is known as Imbolc, the pagan name for this time of the year being (Feb. 2nd) the mid point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

I felt so deeply grateful to be able to return to hosting Cultivating Circle after having two 1/2 months away to heal from an unexpected, traumatic health upheaval. We were also coming together at a time in our life, in our communities, in our country and world, and, the aligned cosmos were here to subtly support our matrix at its foundation. People converging and thinking together with a common story from the story that is trying to be forced on us. And what better time than now, at Imbolc and a New Moon to fully harness our rising birth. People who want to support people and who want to make a difference, help each other and learn from each other. We ourselves here at Cultivating Circle have been doing this for more than 3 years now and we’re growing. If we didn’t know this before, we definitely know this now. At this critical time we need each other more than ever. Supporting each other more than ever for our years ahead planting a future we want to see and be, now.

How can we be good ancestors for Earth first and for each other. Whole living. This was significantly pointed out by Dr. Angela Davis at a S.U.R.F. webinar (a platform for white people who are “Standing Up for Racial Justice”) I attended on Jan. 16th where discussions stirred around the new administrative landscape on where we can start.

Dr. Davis was asked just that. Her point without hesitation she said, we can start by ... "imagining ourselves as a much larger framework than ourselves ... with the world ... the Earth ... the animals ... the Plants. There's the promise, and we are that promise."

[Dr. Angela Davis is an American feminist political activist, philosopher, academic, and author. She is Distinguished Professor Emerita of Feminist Studies and History of Consciousness at the University of California, Santa Cruz.]

YES! Thinking beyond 'the me' is the real deal. Take for instance our body, it is in and of itself an entire community of microbes that amounts to 90% more than the cells that make up 'the me' of our body. So 'the me' right there is already 'the us'.

We also know that each and every organ including our brain and skin, is orchestrated by microbes.

And we know that everything in our unified matrix of perception is orchestrated by microbes, that are orchestrating all life, vibrating at frequencies that extend from here to eternity and back. So yes, whether we accept this fact or not: we are indeed one. A single unit of oscillating frequencies, managed (?) by microbes that coordinate, integrate and harmonize all life as a self-organizing system of vibrating significance. Each and everyone of us are inter-relating beyond awareness. A beautiful system of curiosity, confidence, trust, respect, movement, inter-relations that are functioning beyond the sum of our parts.

However the flip side of this, and a constant conditioning for us to be very wary of is the opposite of 'the us'. Which is 'the me' perception. Not only does 'the me' perception shrink our world into the belief of us only having a tiny slice of things in our life. Distortedly brainwashing us into a story line that wants us to believe there is only 'the me', so be fearful. Is that the narrative we want to face each and every day? The narrative that shrinks our perception into believing everything in our current vision (story) we should be FEARful of. Not that there aren’t real life situations that we need to be careful of. Rather, I’m talking about the subconscious story that we’re being fed, that fear story that informs our decisions. That FEAR is "false evidence appearing real". This type of FEAR confuses us. This type of FEAR fragments us into poor decisions, not feeling connected, feeling like we are just ‘the me’, alone and adrenalin affected. Ready to run or fight. Like I said, this type of thinking, the story that is part of the plan, that is being told to us, that shrinks ‘the us’ perception into thinking, I’m all alone, its just me or its just me and my family or its just me and my children. This can feel chaotic, causing us to be in micro circumstances of crisis, unable to make meaningful decisions of clarity. [don’t forget to read the below on how: THE NEW ADMINISTRATION WANTS YOU DISORIENTED, OVERWHELMED AND INEFFECTIVE; and the things we can do about it - see Notes from Adrienne Maree Brown's Jan. 23rd, 2025 Working Families here.]

The Activity We All Did Together on Monday Night
So on Monday night, we settled in, relaxed and in a safe space in our own homes, together we reflected in deep contemplation as I read through my notes from many experienced human and Earth activists that I had made over the last weeks of this January. Those by Adrienne Maree Brown, Alexandria Casio Cortez (AOC), Jon Stewart and his interview with AOC, Dr. Angela Davis for S.U.R.J. and the interview of Stephen Harrod Buhner by The Sun.

Each of us sat and just received the words. We each then applied those words, ideas and senses that were important to us and carried these words into the next phase of the evening. Each person was present with their Nature ally to support them. I guided us through a Centering to Deep Listening exercise with the 3,2,1 technique by Jose’ Silva. Each person allowed their ally to guide and direct their attention for the next steps each person can take, individually and or collectively as ‘the we’. Expanding our awareness beyond the FALSE narrative of just ‘the me’. Relaxing into and remembering our innate intelligence that resides in every single one of us. That is, the-Nature-that-we-are. Here, we make ‘our’ story. Without FEAR based adrenalin running through our veins that shrinks our view. Together we’re embodied thinking. Really feeling and knowing that we are more than ourselves. Later, when done, some of us shared…some things made sense, some things did not. But I heard from someone the next day having powerful sense making points for us. And I’m sure I’ll hear more because more most often unfolds the next day.

These are some of the points I read aloud and more. You can watch our recorded session too.
[if you want, email me for that session -]
Make meaning of each moment.
Bring in ritual and sacred moments every day.
Reach out and develop community.
Inspire and learn from each other.
Support each other; create safe spaces;communicate to people that you are a safe space.
Make room for listening to the voice of Nature to guide us with decisions we are to make.
Be ready to welcome ‘the otherside’ into your circle once they realize they’ve been lied to.
Think beyond self. Imagine self into a larger framework, and an even larger framework - Nature.
Create your story and live by it. We are not their story. We may be effected by their story, but when we have come together, have community that is there for us, this can lesson the burden of the effects of their story.

  • Notes from Adrienne Maree Brown's Jan. 23rd, 2025 Working Families here.

  • Notes interview by The Sun with Stephen Harrod Buhner - Living Medicine here.

  • Consider this point that was share with me the other day by the Plant council.
    I asked them, as a grouping of Plants, how might we (‘the we’ of us at Cultivating Circle) apply their medicine, their intelligence, their wisdom and indigeneity when we're faced with life, challenges or not. Particular on my mind was how they can help us make sense of
    current issues at hand, the chaos, the power over men and women who are part of our
    collective, self organizing system of significance. Yes, they too are part of the sum of our parts!

    Please share this with anyone and everyone as a potential way of us being Earth. Seeing
    ourselves as Earth. Feeling ourselves as Earth. Seeing each other as Earth. I gather, if we
    can start from here, a greater clarity of how to act will reveal itself as we council and really
    know we are Nature beings.

    Their answer:
    It came as a felt impression of they (the Nature of all things) being an overlay, over the matrix of our visual field of life that we are experiencing at every moment.

    I didn’t really quite know the details of how this would manifest. And I imagined that this ‘overlay of our matrix field’ would manifest differently for each of us. Addendum: yes, we are more than the sum of us. As for myself, this was immediate. As my day unfolded people, places, things, interactions had this overlay of the Plant and Nature world. As it is right now in this moment as I write all this. All these activities, all these interactions, has an overlay that trickles in all crevices and stories. I must admit, I marveled over this because, though this has been true for me to be able to apply for many many years in my everyday life, I am now living Earth. I saw them, I feel them, I sense them,…not separate. No separation.

    The key point they gifted me with and that I’d been tirelessly working on feels like forever was for me to know this sense, this feeling of the Nature that I am to become rote for me. Not habitual but rather instinctual. I can say, this feels instinctual! I feel I know this now. I can tell you this and that’s because they want you to know through me, you can attain this too. And I also know, that there is more. Though I don’t know what it is yet. Until they show us. :-)

    Why is this so important? To be and feel Nature in us, Earth in us, Plants and Trees as us? Because the Nature that we all are is the real deal. Nature has Nature laws. Not human laws. Nature laws run true through all societies and cultures. Human laws are messy. I’m not saying there shouldn’t be human laws. What we’re saying is bringing Plants, Trees, Earth to the decision making tables might be good for us to start following their patterns that might better help us make better, more fair (what is fair) laws? Where Nature justice shines? Nature justice is racial justice, is gender justice, is ecological justice, is economic justice.


Here’s something more, by a sociologist who’s speaking out on chaos and confusion.


The below was shared on Delaware County Solidarity googlegroup from “WE are one” a Sullivan listserv group.

Sociologist Jennifer Walter about what is happening in this country now & what we can do:

As a sociologist, I need to tell you…Your overwhelm is the goal.

1/ The flood of 200+ executive orders in Trump's first days exemplifies Naomi Klein's "shock doctrine" - using chaos and crisis to push through radical changes while people are too disoriented to effectively resist. This isn't just politics as usual - it's a strategic exploitation of cognitive limits.

2/ Media theorist McLuhan predicted this: When humans face information overload, they become passive and disengaged. The rapid-fire executive orders create a cognitive bottleneck, making it nearly impossible for citizens and media to thoroughly analyze any single policy.

3/ Agenda-setting theory explains the strategy: When multiple major policies compete for attention simultaneously, it fragments public discourse. Traditional media can't keep up with the pace, leading to superficial coverage.

The result? Weakened democratic oversight and reduced public engagement.

What now?

1/ Set boundaries: Pick 2-3 key issues you deeply care about and focus your attention there. You can't track everything - that's by design. Impact comes from sustained focus, not scattered awareness.

2/ Use aggregators & experts: Find trusted analysts who do the heavy lifting of synthesis. Look for those explaining patterns, not just events.

3/ Remember: Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon.

4/ Practice going slow: Wait 48hrs before reacting to new policies. The urgent clouds the important. Initial reporting often misses context.

5/ Build community: Share the cognitive load. Different people track different issues. Network intelligence beats individual overload.

Remember: They want you scattered. Your focus is resistance….

….. and we add, Nature does not. Nature is truth.


Sweetgrass by Cliff Eaglefeathers and Pete Risingsun