“We need to take care of water” | Dalai Lama

We invite all to go on a personal journey imagining how Water touches the life we live.


  • Earth is made up of 90% Water.

  • Human body made up of 90% Water.

  • The Earth is a closed system. Similar to a terrarium. Meaning it rarely loses or gains extra matter. The same water that existed on the Earth millions of years ago is still present today. So, there is the same amount of Water that exists on Earth today,
    as there was when Earth was first formed:
      * 97% of Earth water is non-drinkable water – Salt Water.
      * 3% of Earth water is drinkable.
      * of that 3%, nearly 70% of it is locked up in the ice caps (though now
         what’s melting is changing this factor which is not determined yet if usable.)
      * this leaves less than 1% of drinkable water for the entire planet.

  • Of all the elements on our planet, Water is the only one that exists in 4
    * Solid (frozen)
    *Liquid (room temp.)
    *Gas (steam)
    *Plasma (the fluid in blood)

  • Water is the most powerful solvent on Earth. This is due to Waters ability to attract and
      repulse forces between atoms they share with electrons. This enables water to extract
      out particles and elements, and, suspends them in a balanced solution. Much of our
      medicines are produced in this manner.

  • Water is the medium of which all Nature is governed.

  • No biological being can survive without Water. All forms of life require water to survive.

  • Hormones, the catalysts of physiological functions is carried by water.

  • Humans can absorb as much as 1 ½ Litre’s of Water through our skin during a bath.

  • The United States uses about 346,000 million gallons of fresh water every day. That is nearly 80 percent of its water for irrigation and thermoelectric power.

  • The average person in the U.S. uses anywhere from 80-100 gallons of water per day.

  • Flushing the toilet actually takes up the largest amount of this water.

  • In humans, if we have:
    2% Water loss - This causes 20% decline of physical / cognitive function.

5% Water loss – This causes 50% decline of physical / cognitive function.
7% Water loss – A person goes unconscious …

    Of all the water on our planet, an independent study by National Geographic
    found that there are only 3 locations on our planet where the water is pure, crystalline clean and drinkable. One of those locations is here, in the Northeast, in particular, upstate New York.

WATER IS SENSITIVE – the works of Dr. Emoto and Dr. Veda Austin

  • Prayer, love and gratitude impacts water in a positive ways. [Dr. Masaru Emoto / Dr. Veda Austin.]

  • Water records, absorbs, stores memory in a similar was as does a computer, suspends, & transports & transfers information such as hormones, cellular and electrical / energy. Water is an intelligent observer and reflector, informs us, is unconditional, AND does not take sides. Water does this without changing the chemical properties of the H2O sequence, but rather by adjusting the crystalline structure, Waters communication system.

  • All forms of life are a container for Water. Bodies, blood vessels, leaves, soil, flora, fauna, bacteria, fungi, lichen, … but not viruses; viruses are not biological. Adapting to its surrounding environment. Such as when in a jar; an amniotic sac; a bladder that holds urine; a balloon….

  • It has been found that when Water has to make strong right angles, such as in the piping that is used to bring Water into our homes, Water recognizes this as a violent experience with Water’s qualities changing. This can be seen as dysfunctional Water, as noted by Dr. Masaru Emoto.

  • Radionic technology was able to consistently measure negative feelings as having hard Zig-Zag patterns. Whereas positive feelings have an open, softer, wave-like patterns,  like the soft bends in a river. [Greg Braden]

  • Water has remote communication properties: [Systems Theory and State of Instability research] - what one thinks or says (positive or negative) is transferred with its effects on people, animals, plants, insects, bacteria, virus, fungi, etc.

  • Thus, every one of our thoughts count too!


  • Water is a rebel element.

  • It won’t conform to the laws of physics or gravity.

  • It can’t be killed.

  • Water reincarnates itself for all to see.

  • Water is eternal and ancestral

  • Water came to Earth from the heavens, from alien star systems.

  • Water is an ancient element, coming here 4.5 billion years ago.

  • It responds through imagery (patterns) and its clearly recognizable to us.

  • Different bodies of Water hold different forms of information.

  • There is healing Waters and troubled Waters.

  • Water represents a Universal Web of Consciousness.

  • Veda understands Water in this way, from her research and New Zealand ancestry. Water is made up of two hydrogens and one oxygen. H2O-hydrogen represents the Spirit of Water and Oxygen represents the masculine aspect. Together they create or take life.


Becoming Water Protectors.

The 13 Grandmothers, Native American women of this country, Native and tribal women around the world, ask all women (because women are Water bearers of the Earth) and ask men too, to remember and think of Water every day. Speak for Water. Protect Water. And to sing the Water song every day. Song is resonant prayer to let Water know we will protect Water. Remember too, to ask Water, what do you need from me-everyday.


The Alconquin Water Song

There are many women’s water songs from many different cultures, and they all have deep meaning and beauty. 

The Water Song in this video has a lyric that is easy to learn and does not take a long time to sing. At the 2002 Circle of All Nations Gathering, at Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg in Ottawa, Canada, Grandfather William Commanda asked Irene Wawatie Jerome, an Anshinabe/Cree whose family are the Keepers of the Wampum Belt to write a song that women attending the gathering would learn and spread it throughout the world. Grandmother Louise Wawatie taught the Water Song to Grandmother Nancy Andry so she could begin her mission of spreading this powerful practice.  Recently, in 2017, although Grandfather William and Grandmother Louise have crossed over, Grandmother Nancy met with the Elders again in Canada, and they were unified in agreement that a video of the song should be made to hasten the teaching and widen the circle of women singing it because of the increasingly grave dangers our waters are facing.

The Wawatie and Commanda families gave permission to record the song on this video.

Sing four times, each time facing one of the four directions in this order:East, South, West, North


Nee bee wah bow en die en

Aah key miskquee

Nee bee wah bow

Hey ya hey ya hey ya hey

Hey ya hey ya hey ya ho

“We sing this song like a lullaby. The song means the water is the life's blood of our mother the earth. Water is the life's blood of our own bodies”

— Grandma Nancy


Sweetgrass by Cliff Eaglefeathers and Pete Risingsun


Acknowledgements & Who We Are This is a living document co-created by inter-species contributors