Out of the Mouth of Babes

…a community mom friend brought her son with her, to pick up some plant medicine for him this past Sunday. I'm so glad she did.

They came to my Root Cellar which is where I do my work and as they enter my little kitty girl, Sassy, greeted them when they came in. Mom went to immediately pet Sassy girl, which is normal for most adults and even kids to do but....this 9 year old young man instead offered first his partially opened hand for Sassy to smell and then, he petted her, only after she gave him a nudge (permission). I thanked him for that.

Then he turns and stands and immediately gives attention to one of the plants I have there in the basement and he gently offers his hand to this plant, also first, before then 'petting'/touching them. I pointed that out and thanked him for noticing them and that that was very observant of him to do because most people don't notice plants.

Now mind you this is our first time ever meeting so he's a little shy but clearly very open....

Then he says to me, (and I almost jump thru the ceiling with joy...quietly) and he says ...'do you think they have eyes'?

Of course, this began a whole different course of conversation than was expected. But then again, I always follow the lead of young minds like this.


Why Cultivate a Cognitive Agility with Land and Plant Kin?


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