Lets Talk About Dreaming Our Future

I’d love to talk about the senses you may have around resurrecting our deep relationship with the natural world, plants and trees, Earth Mother, land and place.

About returning to our inter-eco-specie relationships. Reclaiming our indigenous beingness. How do we know landscape allies? How do we see them? How do we show them deep love and appreciation? What does this look like for each of us? How do we demonstrate mutual and multicultural respect and deep honor? Are we comfortable, grateful and grounded in how we do things for the-Nature-that-surrounds-us and for each other? Do we want to do more?

I've been relating and dreaming with the landscape for them and for humanity for a long, long time. About how to be proper, respectful and inter-relational humans with the-Nature-that-surrounds-us and that I am. About being inter-dependent, intercultural, and multi-generational; … becoming indigenous with each other and for our Mother; … being a builder and seeker of kinship’s, with the-Nature-that-we-are, the in-between spaces and the invisible ones.

You see, I deeply know, without a doubt, that for us to reclaim our indigenous selves, for us to cultivate our kinship in circles and Sacred Ceremony, is a super powerful way to reconnect with our Mother (Earth), and, a powerful way to dismantle the patriarchal colonial mind structures and ideologies of superiority and privilege. Coming together, outside, on the surface of our Mother, in Sacred Ceremony. Soooo powerful. Here, I feel, we reclaim our indigenous selves, we return to an original wildness, the-Nature-that-we-are that resides deep within each and everyone of us. And it is here, we know how to reconnect with her (Earth Mother) like we were meant to, as uncivilized creatures, who know how to treat her rightly. As we learn to embody Nature’s Law, natural law, as our guiding principles, we come to know that there is nothing more important than this. Nothing.

I would love to hear from you, about your thoughts, dreams and imaginings about this.


An Interview With Reba Linker


Making Birch Bark Oil